DOST- ITDI Updates Modular Multi Industry Innovation Center Inauguration Virtual Event Happened Last February 18 And
Congratulations DOST ITDI. The Industrial Technology Development Institute (ITDI), A Multidisciplinary Research And Development Institution (RDI) Under The Department Of Science And Technology (DOST) Continues To Innovate Technology That Will Help The Business World Primarily The SMEs Now Specially During This Pademic.MMCI Is Officially Open.

They will continue to create a technology that will help in the production of natural products. In their Inauguration their team mentioned that they have now their clients from the South that manufactures oils out of the calamansi .The production will be a lot easier using this technology that can produce 100 processed products a day a way big difference when you do it manually. Meaning this will make the production easier with high assurance of the quality.

In todays industry Innovation plays an important role Innovation helps and increases our chances to react to changes easily and will help us to continue to discover new opportunities. It also foster competitive advantages as it allows us to build better products and services for our consumers in a very convenient and easier way.
Thats why DOST ITDI has a big part in our business industries. It will improve the products they manufacture.
Let us honor the people behind this because this are very essentials nowadays specially in this pandemic time that many big companies close down and some are still struggling recover. DOST MMIC is a gave hope that surely and new ones will open and with the help of this technology we will rise up together in this crisis happening. This too will just pass soon new big companies will rise with the help of innovation technology
Let us continue to spread this good news to all manufactturers.
Congratulations DOST ITDI and thank you so.much for your new discoveries .. now we can see clearly the light on the other side of this… soon very soon victory are on its way!
This virtual event reached 300 participants from different DOST branches plus the media bloggers vloggers tradmedia and different media networks and also special guest that complete the event.
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