Stella’s Wreath: From ordinary to extra-ordinaire Tumbled Online Exhibit by Ms Stella Tansengco- Schapero


Stella’s Wreath: From ordinary to extra-ordinaire
Tumbled Online Exhibit by Ms Stella Tansengco- Schapero

We always have the mentality that broken pieces are meant to be thrown away or useless…
But in the eyes of others ordinary pieces are treasure.

That was Ms Stella Tansengco Schapero saw in those simple materials that other people just throw.An online exhibit entitled Tumbled which is ongoing since Sept 21 to Oct 12. Features the artistic and creative ideas of Ms. Stella using Calumpang Pods, Broken bottles, drift wood and other materials that caught her attention. From trash to exquisite polish tables, wreath and other fine decors.These fine pieces are sold to friends and colleagues and all of the proceeds goes to the beneficiaries one of Ms Stella’s advocacy.
She is part of ICM a HongKong based charity that funds poorest pinoys in vismin. And 100% of the sales will be donated to ICM.

It is also a great privilege and opportunity for us to be part of the exhibit. Since all of the products will be packed in a dainty pandan boxes which Ms Stella ordered from us. So each product will have a unique design since it was customized and personally chosen by Ms. Stella. The baskets is made from sewn pandan leaves and is eco-friendly and bio-degradable.
Our advocacy is also to give livelihood to thr basket makers in the provinces. At the same time promote our local products.

Visit this link to view all the equisite wreath made by Ms Stella Tansengco Schapero entitled Tumbled online Exhibit

Link to online exhibit

Link to e-catalog

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