Art+ Magazine Unveils New Website in their Issue 62 & 63 Celebration November 29, 2019


Art+ Magazine celebrated the release of their issue 62 and issue 63 in a special gathering at the German Club Manila last November 25, 2019.

The Art+ Issue Celebration highlights the people and advertisers who make up the stories inside the two issues. The featured cover artists Fred Tan (issue 62) and Aileen Lanuza (issue 63) were also recognized at the event.

Art+ also relaunched their website Art+ Magazine Online. The new website retains its domain but offers a new look designed by Art Zap studios.

The new website is made to be mobile and search-engine friendly. The new website features a responsive events calendar which is easy to navigate so readers can stay up to date with upcoming arts and culture events within Metro Manila and the regions.

For more inquiries please contact Franchesca Lesaca

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